25 July, 2007

Spanish update

Hello everybody!

Today we have a nice day in Madrid, full of ETCR events.

Stefan (from DB) is around Madrid and we will try to meet him in Atocha before he leaves to Barcelona. After that there is a lunch of part of the spanish delegation, trying to find the equivalent of "Cafe du Teatre". We are only missing some rain, because we today we have a sunny day reaching 33ºC.

As requested by Sara, I send the picture of the group, including Etienne and Bernardette.

I've been checking my agenda, and I think I can make it to Warsav the weekend of 15-16th of September. Is ok that date? Anyone already booked to Dublin?

Keep in touch,


Anna said...

hi everyone!
Juan, gracias for the photo :-)In Warsaw also bit of ETCR moments - Polish team is meeting tomorrow, maybe we will be lucky to find "Warsawish" Cafe du theatre... That would be a good start for the September session here, hmm? Of course we will keep in mind the date proposed by Juan. And we will present our proposals for the social evenings (and days!) in Poland a.s.a.p :)
big hugs

Ana Larraza said...

Hi everybody,

Sara and Juan, as you already know today we're not to meet us but I think Friday will be our next meeting date, won't it?
It was a pity not to see Stephan, but I know he has been enjoying of a nice Spanish summer so that's quite a lot.
Anna darling, thanks a lot for the Polish organisation, I'm sure you'll do your best.
Well that was only a test to check if I'm able to manage with the new technologies.
Muchos besos to everybody

Ana Larraza said...
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Nives said...

You are all lucky that you can meet together and have a drink. Have one for me too.
I will have to organize something in Slovenia.
Juan - what an incredible work you did with the photo.
I am also very interested to come to Poland. Anna, I completely believe that you will do your best.

Unknown said...

Nice pic! We're all so... so... quiet! :P

Well, everybody is talking about weather... and holidays. We used to vacation. I NEED SOME DAYS OFF!

Today, 28ºC in Lisbon, partly cloudy :Z

Sunny Hugs,
Carlos (aka Kraak)

Ana Larraza said...

As I was afraid I DON'T KNOW HOW TO INCLUDE A NEW POST, I'm only able to send a comment. Ok, I'm a technological disaster but in any case I'll carry on trying it.
By the way this afternoon at 14.00h I'LL BE ON HOLIDAYS (yujuuuu¡¡¡) until the 23rd of August, so probably I'll be out from this www world during these days. Ah, in order to celebrate it properly I'll have a lunch with Sara and Juan. Sounds good, won't it?
Have a nice summer wherevere you are and we'll keep in touch.